2019 Issue

2019 Issue

Edited, Designed, and Annotated by Abby Vogeley // Faculty Members: Anne Boyle and Elisabeth Whitehead

Letter From the Editors

What Happens Afterward?
by Olivia S. B. 


Mrs. Gorbachev, Take Out Those Brownies
by Natalie Bradford


Use of English Names by Chinese Students
by Aiai Chen


Field Guide
by Mark Handler

Balancing Neutrality and Advocacy
by Paige Harriss


I Stand Here Savoring
by Juliana Hopper



What Does Autism Mean?

by Lily Longwell


When I Choose Privilege
by Izzy McMahon

The Method to the Mumble
by Nick Moeckel


Peremptory Strikes, Peremptory Yikes
by Henry Parkhurst


Longing for a Sense of Belonging

by Jacob Thomas


Our Fire Falls

by Abby Vogeley





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